Deeply Rooted Bible Study
The Deeply Rooted Bible Study is a structured class that reviews the books of the Bible chapter by chapter and verse by verse. These highly interactive sessions are led by the pastor and provide an opportunity for participants to ask the perplexing questions that can often be overlooked with a cursory reading of the scriptures.
The primary aim of the Bible Study is to increase knowledge of biblical content while simultaneously drawing the parallels from the biblical era to our present generation. The sessions are also available remotely via Zoom and conference bridge (if requested). Please click on the Zoom link or provide your email address in our contact us page to receive the Zoom Password.
The Disciple’s Call
As a believer you have a responsibility to spread the good news about Jesus Christ wherever you sense the opportunity (Matthew 28:19). To do this requires that you mature spiritually and grow from Membership to Discipleship through a structured program of the church.
The discipleship training at Allen Temple follows The MasterLife Series and is a 24 week course that is divided into 4 sessions of 6 weeks each. Each session is the precursor for the next session. When a group has completed their 3rd session, they will each be leading the next group of participants through their own 4 session course.
The end result will be a church that is made up of disciples and not just members of an organization.
Church School
The Allen Temple Church School is held on Fridays at 7:00PM. It caters to everyone, especially our youth, and each meeting is designed to encourage strong character while building and fostering strong family values. In addition to formal Bible based lessons, there are also fun activities which includes movie nights, trips and excursions, as well as rehearsals for the youth choir and liturgical dance instructions.